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'Tate Watercolour Manual' by Tony Smibert & Joyce Townsend

This is one of the best watercolour technique books we have seen in a long time.

Firmly designed for those who have not picked up a paintbrush since schooldays, as well as more seasoned watercolour practitioners, it provides a complete introduction, along with step-by-step lessons based on the methods of some of the greatest masters of the medium, including J.M.W.Turner, John Constable, Thomas Girtin, Claude Lorrain and Alexander Cozens. 

This manual offers a practical appreciation of historic watercolour techniques in just a few hours, through short, achievable exercises. Be a more assured and better artist or simply gain new understanding of the great British watercolourists.

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You're reviewing:'Tate Watercolour Manual' by Tony Smibert & Joyce Townsend

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Paperback, 144 pages, 250 colour illustrations, 24 x 26cm

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